So I'm at a loss right now. tumblr is dying and I need to save all my blog stuff. I went ahead and started exporting my blog, and I know I'll start uploading art here on Newgrounds, but at this point, I'm not sure how much of it I should upload or how often. There were hundreds of posts on my art blog alone, so I don't think it's possible to post all of it (well at least I don't want to do that much work).
Should I prioritize fanart or OC creations? And should I prioritize uploading older works first-- or newer pieces?
As far as the artwork itself, It's all backed up to my desktop PC and I'm just working on saving some reaaaaally old audio stuff. (like 2014 old)
Either way, I'm looking forward to whatever I can get out of NG and I hope to make some new friends.
I'm actually just finally uploading stuff here and for me personally I'm started with my older work first. I'm just picking the best pieces out of all of them though.
Yeah, I think I'm more or less going to try something like that. I'll try to upload more fanart and put in some OC works in-between-- only really uploading the stuff that looks good enough. I'm gonna be more picky that I was with my art tumblr.